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Eating Healthy On A Budget

Food prices make it hard to eat healthy, going the alternative route of picking up a quick bite to eat at the local drive thru makes more sense for an on-the-go budget. However, where there’s a will there’s a way! Here are 5 ways to eat healthier and not spend more than you need to.

  • Buy Whole Foods. Unprocessed foods are cheaper and more nutritious than processed foods. Avoid anything that comes from a box 90% of the time. Although buying unprocessed foods means you will need to prepare it somehow – it’s worth the price and nutrition!
  • Plan and Prep Meals Ahead.  Prepping food in advance is a step in the right direction towards eating healthfully. It also minimizes waste of food in your fridge and time making meals on a daily basis.
  • Buy Frozen Fruits/Veggies. Fruits and Veggies are the height of nutrition – they are unprocessed and ready to eat with a bit of a rinse. However, they can go bad after a couple of days. Getting frozen fruits and veggies ensures they can last for months and still hold their nutrition and taste.
  • Grow Your Own Food. Growing your own fruits and veggies is the cheapest and healthiest route you can go. The downside is it will take months for your plants to actually produce fully. But once they do, you will have your very own organic fruit! Not only will you save money but you’ll feel super achieved!
  • Utilize Beans and Whole Grains. These can act as the base of your meals – they’re healthy and filling! They also come in bulk sizes for a small price. Utilize them!