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Get The Funds You Need

The Lifecycle of Love and Money

  1. Dating:
    • Money Conversations: While it’s fine to leave conversations about money until later, consider discussing financial matters early on. Who pays for dates can be a hotly contested topic, so bringing up the subject can help you understand each other’s views.
    • Financial Compatibility: As you spend more time together, ensure you’re financially compatible. Discuss behaviors, goals, and attitudes toward money. If you have different financial priorities, address them early to avoid future conflicts.
  2. Moving in Together:
    • Combining Finances: Merging finances can be challenging, especially if one partner is a spender and the other is thrifty. Discuss credit histories, debts, and comfort levels with debt. Decide how to handle paychecks, savings, and bill payments.
    • Shared Expenses: Set up a joint account for household expenses and maintain individual accounts. Decide on contributions based on income or other factors. Compare investment strategies and savings goals.
    • Long-Term Vision: Discuss retirement plans, where you want to live, and how to handle child-related expenses if you have kids from previous relationships.
  3. Marriage:
    • Legal Implications: Marriage affects legal benefits, rights, and privileges. Consult a qualified attorney to understand how it impacts your rights, especially regarding property.
    • Financial Accounts: Decide how to organize financial accounts. Joint accounts can simplify paying expenses and saving for mutual goals, but consider your comfort level with independence.
    • Communication and Compromise: Successful financial partnerships require open communication and compromise. Be transparent about your financial situation and work together to build a stable future.

Remember, discussing money openly and planning ahead can lead to a healthier financial relationship. Good luck on your journey! 

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