Read Our Blog & News About Credit Scores | KwikCash | KwikCash - Part 2

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How to Make a Financial Comeback

How to Make a Financial Comeback

In an era where high-interest debt from credit cards, medical bills, or student loans can quickly accumulate, many young families find themselves submerged in financial … Learn More

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Dodging the Overdraft Trap: Smart Strategies for Financial Flexibility

Dodging the Overdraft Trap: Smart Strategies for Financial Flexibility

The sting of overdraft fees is a familiar pain for many, often resulting from a forgotten subscription or an unexpected charge. Traditionally, banks would levy a … Learn More

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How to Rebuild Credit When You Need to Start Over

How to Rebuild Credit When You Need to Start Over

Financial hurdles are a common chapter in life’s story. Missed payments or credit overuse can lead to a credit score decline, but this doesn’t have … Learn More

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Smart Wanderlust: Savvy Savings for the Avid Traveler

Smart Wanderlust: Savvy Savings for the Avid Traveler

When wanderlust calls, don’t let a tight budget put you on hold. Travel is about discovery, connection, and the joy of new experiences. Knowing how … Learn More

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Conquering Your Peaks: Why the Debt Avalanche Method Reigns Supreme

Conquering Your Peaks: Why the Debt Avalanche Method Reigns Supreme

Embarking on the journey to debt freedom? The path you choose is crucial. Let’s explore the two popular strategies: the Debt Snowball and the Debt … Learn More

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Navigating the Seas of Spending: Charting Your ‘Needs’ and ‘Wants’

Navigating the Seas of Spending: Charting Your ‘Needs’ and ‘Wants’

Embarking on a financial voyage? The compass you’ll need is the ability to distinguish between ‘needs’ and ‘wants.’ A ‘need’ is your North Star—essential for … Learn More

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